Benchmarks: Full Bulldoze Testing

The RevoDrive 350 merely suffers a 5% functioning loss in our single large file copy test once the bulldoze is full dropping from 629MB/south to 598MB/s.

Oddly, the RevoDrive 350 became 8% faster in the program copy test once full (the 401MB/s event was based on an average of 3 runs). Truth be told, the results were like both empty and total, the full test just managed to produce slightly more consequent numbers.

As was the case with the single large file copy test, we detect a v% reduction in performance when using the game information.

The sequential read functioning is much the same with the total drive dropping only iv% of its original performance when empty.

What nosotros are looking for is a reduction in write functioning caused by the drive having to clear blocks before storing new data. Here we exercise run into a significant drop in performance when measuring sequential write performance equally the OCZ RevoDrive 350 drops from 902MB/s to 705MB/s, a 22% reduction.

Although the RevoDrive 350 was much slower full when measuring sequential write performance we observe that the random 512K read functioning has increased by 8%.

Once again, like the sequential write results we detect that the RevoDrive 350 is much slower full when measuring random 512K write performance, showing a similar xx% drop from 772MB/due south to 615MB/south.

Interestingly when looking at the random 4K-QD32 read results we find that the OCZ RevoDrive 350 is slower, much slower when full, suffering a 25% reduction in functioning.

Nosotros expected the random 4K-QD32 read performance to remain by and large identical once the RevoDrive 350 was full and that wasn't the case. However, the random 4K-QD32 write functioning did remain much the same.